以您的理解,什么是表演艺术?🤔 🤔 吸引力何在?生活中我们经常可以见到各种表演,有话剧、歌剧、舞剧、杂技甚至是扮装(cosplay)。中国传统艺术包含了表演艺术,有无语方式,主要通过肢体动作演绎,也有语言和表演同时进行的演绎。表演艺术不仅仅只是把内容和含义表现出来,而是通过自己的创造结合肢体动作或语言或歌唱灵活演绎出来。这其中杂糅了作者的情感理解,对作品的感知程度,是一个审美的过程和展现,通过每人不同的演绎方式所呈现出来的格调自是风格迥异。此次以《浓情·觅艺》为主题的中华艺术云端展览,在表演艺术类别里,同学们准备了各种类型的表演,例如:扯铃、咏春拳、中国扇子舞、相声、快板书、唢呐、二胡、埙、笛子、皮影戏、黄梅戏、京剧、京歌。👏 👏 👏
在表演过程中,同学们得以找寻抒发情感的管道,把内心抽象的情绪,或复杂或平淡,通过音乐、舞蹈、歌剧等表演形式向大众诠释,展现自己的内心世界,放松身心灵之余也展现了中华艺术美的光辉。✨ ✨ ✨
What are performing arts?🤔 We often watch a variety of performances such as drama, opera, dance, acrobatics and even dress up (cosplay). So, what are the attractions of performing arts? Performing arts can be presented with or without language but mainly through our body movements and also through both of the language and performance at the same time. The ability of an author to understand the initial content of an art is the most important element to help he or she to perform a good show. Different people will show a different degree of perception of the work. Our Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour, “Passion to Seek Art” will display various type of performances which are prepared by the Year 3 students such as Diabolo, Wing Chun, Chinese Dance, Crosstalk, Clapper Talk, Erhu, Xun, Flute, Leather Silhouette Show, Huang Mei Opera and Beijing Opera Song. 👏 👏 👏 During the performance, students keep expressing their emotions, trying to lead the audience to enter their world as well.✨ ✨ ✨