鉴赏与心得(Art Appraiser and Reflection)
i. 吉祥结 (Good Luck Knot)
A variation of the cross knot, symbolizing good fortune, we called it as “Good Luck Knot”.
ii. 梅花结 ( Round Brocade Knot)
“Round brocade knot” symbolizes good fortune, wholesomeness/completeness, and balance, and is shaped like a five-petal flower. This is why it is also often called the Chinese Flower Knot.
iii. 盘长结 (Pan Chang Knot)
“Pan Chang Knot” communicates that religion’s belief in a cycle of life with no beginning and endless. It symbolizes birth, death, and eternal existence. The name of the knot also sounds like the Chinese word for happiness, so the knot is thought to represent never-ending happiness.
在这一次制作中国结的过程中,我学习到了细心、毅力和耐心,因为要制作一个中国结并不简单。 举个例子,当我在制作盘长结时,并不是一次就能成功,而是通过不断地练习,最后才完成一个盘长结。我必须要很细心,才不会把线搅乱或拉错线,倘若拉错线就必须重新来过,这就考验一个人的耐心和毅力。因为每个中国结的制作不容易,在成功完成一个中国结时都非常的有成就感,且很珍惜每一个中国结。我也因为这一次的中华艺术课有机会学习中国结这门手艺,学会鉴赏绳结的美。每一个绳结都有不同的寓意,象征着每一份祝福。
In the process of making Chinese knots this time, I learned perseverance and patience, because making a complete Chinese knot is not simple actually. For example, when I was making a long knot, I did not succeed at one time, but through constant practice, I finally completed a long knot. I have to be very attentive to ensure that I will not mess up the thread or accidentally pull the wrong one. I need to restart the whole process if I made any mistakes. I have a high sense of accomplishment when I did a Chinese Knot successfully. I cherish each of my end products. Because of Chinese art course, I have the opportunity to learn the skills to make Chinese knots and learn to appreciate the beauty of knots. Each knot has a different meaning and symbolizes every blessing.