

欢迎您来到2020年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 此次中华艺术云展览的主题为---《浓情 . 觅艺》(《濃情 . 覓藝》)。 此主题是“浓情蜜意”的谐音。“浓情”表示一份浓厚真挚的情感。“觅”代表的是寻觅、寻找;“艺”则是表示一个人的才能、技能。音乐、美术、建筑、舞蹈、文学等等都是艺术的总称。 时光流逝,艺术的光芒逐渐微弱。你是否还记得艺术所散发出的魅力?其实艺术还在,一直都存在着,不曾消失。艺术富有极高创造性,它的美是无与伦比的。它总是静静地、幽幽地释放自己的独有的美丽。由此可见,艺术之美是如此之神秘、隐晦、耐人寻味。 零碎的足迹与回忆,还需由我们将其一一拼凑...... 让我们一同带着一份浓情,踏上这一次的觅艺之旅,去感受、欣赏这些艺术之美吧! Welcome to the blogspot of Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour 2021 !!! The theme of Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour 2021 is "Passion to Seek Art". This theme name is the homonym of "Nong Qing Mi Yi" in Chinese which means tenderness and sweetness. Art is the expression of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Music, drawing, architecture, dance, literature and other more are all categorized as "Art".  Time flies. Are you still remembering Chinese Art?  As the pace of life is accelerating day by day, people have no time to feel the beauty of art attent

邀您共赴一趟美的历程~Tag Along and Together We'll Accentuate the Artistic Soul in You~

日子一天一天过去,终于盼到了把自己呕心沥血的作品呈现给大家的这一天。🍃🍃🍃🌹🌹🌹 依大中文学程全体大三生在此向各位郑重宣布: 中华艺术云端展览之《浓情 . 觅艺》正式亮相!🌟✨✨🎉 中华艺术具有五千年历史,在这一次以《浓情 . 觅艺》为主题的中华艺术云端展览中,我们主要呈现的是歌乐类(舞蹈、咏春、扯铃、京剧歌曲、各类乐器演奏等)以及手艺类(书法、中国画、剪纸、中国结等等)。 这些艺术门类都有几千年的积累,都透着五千年文明古国深厚的文化底蕴,是我们中华民族的宝贵财富,当然也是全人类的宝贵财富。这次的机会稍纵即逝,好好把握,万勿错过!💪 点击以下链接,进入我们的所制作的专属部落格,让我们一同进入艺术的世界,看看与聆听同学们对自己所呈现的艺术门类的鉴赏。🌸🍀💓 《浓情 . 觅艺》部落格 Link of Blogspot👇👇 https://nongqingmiyi.blogspot.com/ 稍后下午2时,我们直播间见!不见不散!🙆 We announce here,  Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour "Passion to Seek Art" officially debut on today👏👏🎉🎉 Various types of Chinese Art have long history for about 5000 years. In our virtual exhibition, the nain category that we will present to you is performance ( Dance, Wing Chun, Diabolo, Beijing Opera Songs, musical instruments and so on) and Handcrafts ( Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Paper-cutting, Chinese Knot and more). These are the precious wealth of Chinese Nationalities. Since this is a rare chance for you to appreciate the beauty of

中文学程介绍 Introduction of Bachelor Degree of Chinese Language with Education Programme

                     苏丹依德理斯教育大学(简称:依大)在2008年正式开办中文学士课程,是马来西亚国内第三所有开办中文系的国立大学。           其主旨是为了栽培人类灵魂工程师,乃马来西亚培训中学华文师资摇篮。与一般中文系或教育系不同的是,学生在主修中文的同时,也必须副修教育专业,因此具备到中学执教中文科的专业资格,也使依大成为马来西亚全国唯一政府中学中文师资的栽培所在地。           依大中文学士课程主要课程范围包括:语言学、文字学、古代文学、现代文学、中国史哲及本土华人研究等等。           之后在2012年及2014年创立中文及中文教育硕博学位学程,并于2016年开办中文博士课程。           Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) officially set up the Bachelor Degree of Chinese Language with Education programme in 2008. UPSI is the third national university which offers Chinese Studies in Malaysia.           The main purpose of setting up this course is to cultivate professional Chinese teachers to serve in secondary schools in the future. What is different from the general Chinese or Education Studies in other education institutions is the students of Sultan Idris Education University needs to choose education lesson as their minor course besides of taking Chinese Studies as their major course. Therefore, Sultan Idris Education University is the

预告短片 Trailer

 左盼右盼,终于盼来中华艺术云端展览---《浓情.觅艺》预告短片新鲜出炉的这一刻!🎉🎉 表演与手工艺术的汇集,散发无限魅力✨✨✨准备好与我们一起踏上这段美的历程了吗?😆 来临的星期六,1月23日,我们云端相会。💞💞💞☘️ Ladies and gentleman, kindly presenting to you the trailer of our Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour, “Passion to Seek Art”. 🌸 Are you ready to join us on this journey of beauty?😄 On the coming Saturday, 23rd January 2021, see you at 2 p.m.!💞💞💞 #中华艺术云端展览 #浓情觅艺 #共赴一趟美的历程 #chineseartvirtualexhibitontour #PassionToSeekArt #journeyofbeauty

手工艺术介绍 Introduction of Handcraft Arts

嘿!正在看着这篇文案的您,是否24小时都紧握着自己的手机不放,“三日不弹,手生荆棘”呢?🤔🤔🤔这意思就是说啊若三天不弹琴,手就会像长了荆棘那样不灵活。😱当然不是叫你放下手机去练琴,而是说当人们一停止练习,技艺就会变得生疏。 在这里呢,我们有个“好康”要推荐给您!苏丹依德里斯教育大学的大三生们筹备了一场中华艺术云端展览---《浓情.觅艺》供大家欣赏精致、自然、返璞归真的手艺门类。🏮🎐您是否知道,相比起由机器或模具生产的物品,手艺制作更被人们喜爱❤当我们欣赏或亲自进行手艺时,种种的同年回忆将被唤起。👶或许你认为手艺是非常朴素的,但其背后蕴藏了非凡的意义。 心动不如行动,就让我们一起进入美丽的手艺世界,共同欣赏艺术之美!心精手巧的艺术世界,带您体验宁静、美好的时刻。🌸🍀 Hey! Don’t slip off this page❗ Do you know, in practising a skill, we should not be lazy and give up easily! We need to train it everyday to ensure that we totally master it. If we stop practising no matter for a short time or for a long period, we will forget and even lose the skills high probability. 😱 So now, we are going to recommend you an interesting upcoming event. The Year 3 students from Student Union of Chinese Education UPSI is going to present a Chinese Art Virtual Exhibition Tour, “Passion to Seek Art” for you to enjoy the delicate and natural real craft show.👏🎉Craftsmanship is more precious than products made by machines. 🏮🎐 Th

表演艺术介绍 Introduction of Perfoming Arts

以您的理解,什么是表演艺术?🤔 🤔 吸引力何在?生活中我们经常可以见到各种表演,有话剧、歌剧、舞剧、杂技甚至是扮装(cosplay)。中国传统艺术包含了表演艺术,有无语方式,主要通过肢体动作演绎,也有语言和表演同时进行的演绎。表演艺术不仅仅只是把内容和含义表现出来,而是通过自己的创造结合肢体动作或语言或歌唱灵活演绎出来。这其中杂糅了作者的情感理解,对作品的感知程度,是一个审美的过程和展现,通过每人不同的演绎方式所呈现出来的格调自是风格迥异。此次以《浓情·觅艺》为主题的中华艺术云端展览,在表演艺术类别里,同学们准备了各种类型的表演,例如:扯铃、咏春拳、中国扇子舞、相声、快板书、唢呐、二胡、埙、笛子、皮影戏、黄梅戏、京剧、京歌。👏 👏 👏  在表演过程中,同学们得以找寻抒发情感的管道,把内心抽象的情绪,或复杂或平淡,通过音乐、舞蹈、歌剧等表演形式向大众诠释,展现自己的内心世界,放松身心灵之余也展现了中华艺术美的光辉。✨ ✨ ✨  What are performing arts?🤔  We often watch a variety of performances such as drama, opera, dance, acrobatics and even dress up (cosplay). So, what are the attractions of performing arts? Performing arts can be presented with or without language but mainly through our body movements and also through both of the language and performance at the same time. The ability of an author to understand the initial content of an art is the most important element to help he or she to perform a good show. Different people will show a different degree of perception of the work. Our Ch

云端展览 Virtual Exhibition Tour

秦牧《花城》:“你在这里也不能不惊叹群众审美的眼力。” 🌹🌹🌹 人的审美追求,在于提高人的精神境界、促进和谐发展,在于这个世界有我而更美好。自然美也好,创造美、心灵美、行为美等等,人们都会审视这些,追求这些。它的范围广泛,有音乐、陶艺、舞蹈、饮食、绘画等等,存在我们生活的各个角落。在苏丹依德理斯教育大学所上的一门中华艺术课,我们与有荣焉得到一个机会来挑战自己完善自己,体验新的自我,欣赏他人的价值。这门课教我们翱翔在中华艺术的天际,感知美的生命和气象。在这个生活节奏日益加快、物欲横流的世界,人们容易迷失自己的方向,也让现代人少了思考,遑论腾空时间享受诗情画意。我们应偶尔放慢生活的节奏,带着浓厚、细腻、善感的情怀去探知,去求索“艺术”,它就于我们生活之中。因此,浓情·觅艺是我们此次中华艺术云端展览的主题,以浓情蜜意为谐音,寓意人们应带着情感和敏锐的眼光去探索艺术之美。我们即将展现同学们在一段时日的练习下所呈现的表演艺术类和手工艺术类,在此诚邀大家同我们共赴这一趟美的历程!💞💞💞 Qin Mu "Flower City": "You can't help but marvel at the aesthetic power of the masses here." 🌹🌹🌹 The aesthetic pursuit of human beings lies in improving the spiritual realm of human and promoting harmonious development. In the world, people will look at natural beauty, create beauty, spiritual beauty and behaviour beauty as well. It has a wide range including music, pottery, dance, food, painting and so on, there are all corners of our lives. Through taking Chinese Art course at the Sultan Idris Education University,